Richard’s Weekly Zoom Class

Richard La Plante

Breathe. Relax. Exercise. Meditate…. Repetition makes the master.


Meet Richard LaPlante. Join Richard la Plante as he hosts weekly training sessions featuring breath work, strength, and meditation. Sessions are held on zoom and allow for a live experience  After classes, there is a Q&A session allowing for explanation, understanding, and insight. 


Standard Zoom Class Fee: $46 for the entire month

Class Schedule


Scheduling now…

Personal Training


  • To develop correct and efficient breathing patterns which stimulate the bones, muscles and organs while fueling metabolism to provide maximum energy. To master a method of exercise that is of enough intensity and resistance to create a response in the cardiovascular, immune and musculoskeletal system. To understand the concept of breathing based rest and recovery and apply that understanding to progressive resistance exercise. To develop an intuitive understanding of what heals as opposed to hurts the human body. To learn a method and practice of exercise that works anywhere, from a high-tech gym to a hotel room. To learn and practice a method of exercise and movement that is sustainable over the course of a lifetime.

  • Private sessions can be booked at anytime through . Currently, one group session is held per week.

  • Follow me on Socials @richardlaplante

  • Anyone can benefit from this training. As we age, the necessity to combine breathe and movement is vital. Richard has worked with older people, and those afflicted with various cognitive disorders, including Parkinson’s disease for nearly two decades. His training emphasizes the efficient use of oxygen in the body to counterbalance the natural process of aging.

  • “ People who do strength training at least two days a week are 46% less likely to die from any cause. They are 41% less likely to die from heart disease, and 19% less likely to die from cancer.” That’s not me talking, trying to sell you some unsustainable mail order system of exercise that will ultimately cause more injury than health or an expensive piece of equipment that will end up buried in a closet or hidden beneath your bed, gathering dust… That‘s a quote from the Journal Of Preventative Medicine, and it’s talking about longevity. But what is longevity? For me, longevity is the time we spend living a full healthy life. Participating in the activities that fulfill us. Being with the people we love. It means staying clear of disease. It means playing tennis, throwing a football to your son, or grandson, dancing the tango and making love five times a night… Hold on… That last one may be a little too ambitious… At a basic level, longevity means being self-sufficient. It means being able to get up from a chair, to walk to the mailbox, to lift up a bag of groceries, to push open a door, to drive a car. It means functionality. To do this, the body needs exercise; this means a sustainable method of training that exercises the bones, the muscles and the heart and… above all else, the breathing mechanism. It means retaining strength and vitality.