About Us
Hello, my name is Richard La Plante:
My life-long study of strength training began with a fall from a tree, when, at ten years old, I suffered a hangman’s fracture, more commonly known as a broken neck. Once out of a full body cast, my rehabilitation included twice weekly workouts in the school gymnasium using a barbell and a set of dumbbells. My coach, the elementary school gym teacher, noticed my shrunken ribcage, compressed by two months in plaster, and urged me to breathe, deep and from the belly. "Breathe in. Breath out."
This was my introduction to diaphragmatic breathing used in combination with progressive resistance exercise, and the beginning of a journey that has taken me from weight training to yoga, from Pilates to an eighteen-year sojourn with the Japanese Karate Association and a third degree black belt in Shotokan karate, followed by coaching strength and breathing in one of the most renowned boxing gyms in Europe. But, finally, age is our greatest adversary, and what I have learned and gleaned from training with champions, studying with masters and assimilated from many arts has evolved into a simple method of exercising the body, mind and spirit; accessible to any age and any physical condition.
This is my time to give back, to pass on what I have studied, lived an learned. My method and practice is devoted to health and wellness and Real Strength Now, Training for Longevity, is the product of my eclectic journey back to the basic substance of life, the breath. Building you from the inside, out.