Aging is a natural process, but with knowledge and discipline, longevity can be greatly extended by the maintenance of a strong functional body, inside and out.

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Life & Breath

What We Do

Zoom Class

Besides our regular schedule, we also post on YouTube and Facebook to access consistent and educational video content.

Aging is a natural process, but with knowledge and discipline, longevity can be greatly extended by the maintenance of a strong functional body, inside and out. Understanding is more important than a gym membership. In fact, if we understand and practice the mechanism of breath, and how it relates to strength and well-being, we don’t need a gym at all.

That is Life and Breath.

Learn more about Life and Breath.

Life and Breath is preventive medicine.

Exercising the body from the inside-out.

This method of training will delay and in many cases reverse the aging process.

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